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The student news site of Clark Magnet High School

Clark Chronicle

The student news site of Clark Magnet High School

Clark Chronicle

The student news site of Clark Magnet High School

Clark Chronicle

Anna Arutunian

Anna Arutunian, Yearbook Managing Editor

Hobbies/interests: Baking, handcrafting, reading/literature, listening to music, watching movies, collecting rocks/shells

Fav artist: Troye Sivan

Movie you never get tired of watching: Disney’s The Princess and The Frog

Goal for the year: Make the most out of my senior year, both productivity-wise and socially :)

Comfort fictional character: Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice

All content by Anna Arutunian
Anti-racism protesters in Sydney, Australia demand for people to change their opinions and end their xenophobia.

Yes, it’s still an issue

Anna Arutunian, Yearbook Managing Editor
June 3, 2021
Clark’s yearbook staff is working hard to finish their spreads for the yearbook before the deadline in April.

[Photo] A year to remember

Carol Rodriguez, Website Editor
April 24, 2021
Unit 1 in remote ASL 101 classroom included how to sign the basics, such as greetings, colors and clothing.

This is your sign… learn a new language!

Anna Arutunian, Yearbook Managing Editor
December 14, 2020
2020-graduated senior Lyanna Babakhanian handles the cameras and audio to help the Broadcast Club.

Underpaid, underrepresented and unappreciated

Anna Arutunian, Yearbook Managing Editor
December 10, 2020
Procrastination Infographic

[Photo] ‘I’ll Explain Later’

Anna Arutunian, Yearbook Section Editor
October 29, 2019
Dressing up is a fun way for students to present their creative side.

Perspectives on Halloween

Anna Arutunian, Staff Writer
November 1, 2018
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