The student news site of Clark Magnet High School

Clark Chronicle

The student news site of Clark Magnet High School

Clark Chronicle

The student news site of Clark Magnet High School

Clark Chronicle


General Policy and Copyrights
The Clark Chronicle is the on-line newspaper produced by the Anderson W. Clark Magnet High School Publications class. The Chronicle was published in paper form from 1999-2014, when it ceased its print publication in print form.

The main purpose of the Chronicle is to entertain and inform the student body on topics of relevance at school, in the community, and in the world. All writing in the Chronicle is copyrighted by the Chronicle unless otherwise noted (such as student-submitted writing). Writing is protected by U.S. Copyright laws, and while the © symbol may not appear on all stories, assume that all rights are reserved by the Chronicle and that no part of the documents contained herein may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Clark Chronicle. While the adviser reads all copy to help students meet journalistic standards, the Editorial Board makes decisions about content in order to create an open public forum of ideas.

The Chronicle print paper was published approximately once each month and was distributed free of charge to all students and staff at Clark. Back issues can be sent upon request.

Editorial Leadership
The Editorial Board is the decision-making body. Members include the editor(s)-in-chief, copy editor, business manager(s), photography/graphics editor(s) and section editors.

The board meets at least weekly during class time, at a date determined at the beginning of the semester. The adviser or editor-in-chief may also call unscheduled meetings if special problems or issues arise. Attendance at all board meetings is mandatory, unless a valid excuse is provided.

Board members are subject to review by the Editorial Board if they fail to fulfill their duties. The board may dismiss a member with a majority vote, but the editor-in-chief in consultation with the adviser may also dismiss an editor. If a situation arises when the general opinion of the board differs from that of the editor-in-chief or adviser, the adviser may choose to veto the board’s decision.

Policy-making and other aspects of the Chronicle are decided by a majority vote of the board. The adviser may disagree and make suggestions/comments or call into question the subject matter in order to protect against libel and obscenity concerns. Controversial subjects that arise are to be discussed among the board to determine an appropriate course of action.

Editorial Policy
A staff editorial appeared in each issue of the print Chronicle. While the editor-in-chief wrote the staff editorial, the editorial represented the majority opinion of the editorial board and was not to be biased towards the opinion of the editor-in-chief. For this reason, the editorials are not bylined and the writing was  shared with the entire board prior to publication. All other articles in the opinion section receive bylines and reflect the opinion of the writer.

Letters and On-Line Commenting Policy
Users may comment on stories on-line. The newspaper adviser reserves the right to edit any comment for purposes of clarity or appropriateness (no profanity or language that could be construed as libelous or obscene or constituting advertising a product or service). Approval of comments for posting on the site lies with the adviser’s discretion.

User-Submitted Writing Guidelines
While students submitting writing to the Clark Chronicle website retain the copyright to their writing, by submitting work to this site, writers grant permission to the Chronicle to display the writing in any form, with edits, as the Chronicle wishes. Should the writers wish for their writing to be removed from the site, they must contact the site administrator with explicit directions to do so.

All writing should be proof-read carefully and is subject to further editing by the Chronicle staff and/or adviser. Student ID number should be included with writing, and students will be contacted to confirm that the writing is theirs and that they wish to publish their work. The Chronicle reserves the right to refuse publication of any material submitted by students that the Chronicle deems inappropriate or not written to the standards of the publication. No anonymous submissions will be published.

Correction Policy
If a spelling or factual error occurs in the Chronicle, a correction will be printed in the following edition, provided the error is brought to the staff’s attention.

Privacy Policy
In keeping in line with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, the Chronicle (both the print edition and on-line edition) seeks to protect students’ privacy. While the newspaper will use students’ first and last names and will publish photos, the Chronicle will never publish phone numbers or addresses either on-line or in print.

All stories that have appeared in the print issue may appear in the on-line version of the newspaper and will include the same story text content as the stories that appear in the print newspaper. When students and/or their families believe their privacy has been infringed upon when the article is first published, they should contact the adviser. The Chronicle does not honor takedown requests by those who are in the article nor does it change the content of the article once it is published (unless there is a factual error, an incident of potential libel, or unless the person named in the article is referenced for having committed an act for which they were suspended from school).

Advertising Policy
Please contact the advisor re: advertising on this website. Under no circumstances will the staff accept obscene, libelous, or inappropriate advertisements. The following topics are inappropriate: drugs, alcohol, adult-related material, and anything else illegal for minors. Advertising rates are set each year. For on-line ad prices, please contact the adviser at

Obituary Policy
If a faculty member or student should pass away, the staff will publish a story in the news section about the individual and/or circumstances concerning the individual. If the staff wishes to publish articles that extend beyond the news story, it must consult with the family of the deceased individual(s). The family must concur with any extra information or photographs about the individual that are not included in the news story.

Nondiscrimination Policy
STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973): The Board of Education prohibits, at any district school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying targeted at any student by anyone, based on the student’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in district programs. Complaints alleging noncompliance with this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to Dr. Lena Richter, (818) 241-3111. A copy of the District’s Uniform Complaint Policy is available by calling (818) 241-3111. The District’s Title IX Coordinator is Dr. Kelly King, (818) 241-3111. The District’s 504 Coordinator is Beatriz Bautista, (818) 241-3111.

last updated Sept. 25, 2017