John Bandek, Section Editor
INTERESTS/HOBBIES: I enjoy learning new languages, reading, and playing the piano.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: I am in Mock Trial, the president of The Science Fair Club, a participant in the ACE Mentoring Program, and a PAC Leader. I will most likely be a CSF tutor this year. On my free time I volunteer at the USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, and the La Casa Verdugo Branch Library. I also am the assistant leader to Troop 306's "Ari" La Crescenta "Shant" Boy Scout Division. Additionally, I am a member of the Glendale Armenian Youth Federation, "Zavarian" chapter.
THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE ME ARE: Ambitious, Perfectionist, Dedicated
IN TWENTY YEARS: I will be living my successful life as either a Microbiologist or Architect (Yes, I do know they are completely different pathways.)
FAVORITE QUOTE: "The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists."
- Japanese Proverb
FAVORITE MOVIE: The Last Samurai, and Pearl Harbor