The Theory Of Everything

‘The Theory of Everything’ shares a tale of a man and his dream of knowledge and hope

Theory of Everything movie poster release poster in the UK

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Theory of Everything movie poster release poster in the UK

James Marsh brings yet another adrenaline-filled, intense visualization for the human eyes. The Theory of Everything is a true story based on the most brilliant theoretical scientist Stephen Hawking. The inspiration to making this movie was Hawking’s first wife’s book, Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen by Jane Wilde Hawking.

The movie is set in Cambridge, England during the 1960s. This beautiful tale is about a man who falls in love with Jane Wilde. Throughout their relationship a life changing sickness, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, takes over Hawking’s life beginning at the age of 21. Wilde sticks by Hawking, knowing the fact that he was assigned only two years to live. Within those two years, Hawking is determined to find the answer to the theory of time.

The roles of Hawking and Wilde were given to Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, both very talented and inspiring actors who have similar physical features with the actual characters on which the movie is based. Wilde portrays well a strong and brave woman who cares and loves her spouse. There is a strong housewife vibe from her which totally suits the 1960s era.

Stephen Hawkings at NASA during the 1980s
photo via under Creative Commons license
Stephen Hawkings at NASA during the 1980s

Redmayne portrays Hawking, which is no easy role, reproducing Hawking’s actions in a compelling manner. Throughout the movie the physical change due to the disorder of ALS is seen vividly through Redmayne’s physical actions.

Marsh does a superb job at recreating the mood of the 1960s. From beginning to end, the feel, the sight, the clothing is on point. Each set location has a unique appearance that perfectly captures the moment of the scene.

This inspiring tale deserves very high rankings. It is a mix of religion, science, love, drama, and most importantly, time. It is a story of hope, of exceeding the limits and fully understanding how important time is in the world.