Jennifer Lawrence gives it her all in ‘Mockingjay Part 1’

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Mockingjay Part 1 is the turning point of the Hunger Games movie series. It had animated teenagers lined up hours before showtimes during opening weekend.
Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games trilogy has become a door-busting franchise that attracts not only teenagers, but people of all ages. Die-hard Katniss fans certainly have something to look forward to in the third movie, Mockingjay Part 1. Jennifer Lawrence steals the movie with her outstanding acting, portraying the role of Katniss Everdeen.
Mockingjay Part 1 does not live up to expectations, as many may hope; but you can’t blame the director for playing it safe. There are certain scenes that draw one into the movie with the characters, but none that really will be remembered. Not having as much action as the past two movies, Mockingjay Part 1 stays true to the book. Lacking thrill and action, this movie would be better defined as a thrilling drama rather than an action film.
Lawrence fulfills her role as the strong, influential, Katniss Everdeen, moving not only the nation of Panem but fans all around the world. Mockingjay would be a harder movie for her to portray Katniss in because of all the heart-baring scenes instead of the suspenseful action ones. Lawrence conveys well to the feelings of loss and pain as those in the revolution die around her.
Taking place in District 13, Katniss teams up with the revolutionaries to encourage the entire nation of Panem to rebel against the capitol. President Snow, taking part as the antagonist, captures Peeta and other victors holding them hostage in the capitol. Meanwhile Katniss and her team try to persuade the people of Panem that time has come to take a stand against President Snow and his unfair treatment of the nation. Mockingjay Part 1, being more of a transition movie, sets the feel for the final movie which will hopefully portray the actual revolution.
Sam Claflin steals the scene portraying one of the victors, heartbroken Finnick Odair, as he helps Katniss on her mission to save the nation of Panem and hopes to rescue his beloved Annie back from the capitol. Claflin, as well as other actors, work hard to display the tragedy taking place in the futuristic, dystopian world in Mockingjay. Overall, the role portrayal is well executed and it’s worthy to say set designers put in quite a lot of hard work into creating the destruction caused by the revolution.
The screenplay stays true to the book, but doesn’t meet up to standards based upon the past two movies in the Hunger Games series. More action and thrilling scenes could’ve made the movie more enjoyable. This movie creates much tension for the final one, Mockingjay Part 2; giving hopes of seeing some intense action-filled war scenes in the next movie.

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