Modern hip-hop is under unfair attack

Rapper Juice Wrld’s recent passing prompted critics of hip-hop to express their opinions on the genre.
The new age of rap and hip-hop is being criticized too harshly. Music is a subjective form of art and because people have unique preferences, multitudes of music genres exist. The most popular genre in America right now, according to Nielsen’s US Music Mid-Year report, is R&B/Hip-Hop. Despite this fact, rap and hip-hop have been facing troubles from different demographics.
A Pew Research Center poll provides statistical data from blacks, whites and Hispanics of different age groups regarding their sentiment towards rap and hip-hop’s societal impact. One part of the conclusion of the survey was that there is more negative opinion of rap from those above the age of 34.
In recent news, rapper Juice Wrld passed away just this past Sunday on Dec. 8 reportedly at a hospital following a medical emergency at Chicago’s Midway International Airport. Thousands of fans and friends expressed their grief at the loss, but evidence of strong aversion to hip-hop and rap music is clear in some online public forums.
In the comments under TMZ’s article about Juice Wrld’s passing, dozens of the thousands of comments can be found from people using insulting language toward Juice Wrld as well as relaying their negative opinions on modern hip-hop as a whole.
“No loss to an educated society,” commenter John Jupiter said. Grissoman, another commenter said, “I hardly consider anything rap or hip hop talent.” “Talented and rapper don’t really go together, but RIP,” Bill Bradley said.
Mikel Alatza sarcastically congratulated Juice Wrld by when he said, “That’s a fairly old age, for the lifespan of a rapper…good for him.” “Trash violent rap music(…)leads to this” someone by the name of Marine Assassin said referring to Juice Wrld’s death.
Countless more comments can be found from various users criticizing not only Juice Wrld but also the hip-hop genre, and on another topic, making foul racist claims. A few well-known musicians like KISS bassist Gene Simmons and Rolling Stones member Keith Richards have also expressed their dislike toward hip-hop.
“I am looking forward to the death of rap. I’m looking forward to music coming back to lyrics and melody, instead of just talking. A song, as far as I’m concerned, is by definition lyric and melody … or just melody,” Simmons said.
Richards said, “What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there. All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it, and they’re happy.”
These praised artists are under the impression that all rap and hip-hop sounds the same and that little to no work is required to create a song of this genre. These popular musicians probably stand for the opinions of thousands of adults in America.
These beliefs are ill-founded. Modern hip-hop is just an evolution of classic rap, the same way all music within a genre is evolved from its predecessors. Rap is a special genre based on lyrical cleverness, catchy beats and rhythmic flow. The lack of talent would make an aspiring hip-hop artist unsuccessful because these components have to be appealing enough to attract listeners.
Modern rappers like Drake, Lil Nas X, Juice Wrld, Post Malone and DaBaby have accumulated billions of streams on their songs between them due to their ability to make music a large demographic of people enjoy, which in itself is a major talent.
Those who attack the genre and its artists simply do not enjoy the music themselves, which is fine. Fortunately, the genre itself is acknowledged as valid and thriving, but the disagreement between hip-hop haters and lovers is the belief that it takes considerable effort to be a hip-hop artist and produce tracks that people will listen to again and again.

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Spirit animal: Deer
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