Students go back to school — with some Covid-era modifications
To further insure their safety and limit the spread of the virus student continue to stay six feet apart with their masks on before the school day begins.
As Covid rates decrease and restrictions are slowly being removed, schools are opening back up. Teachers and administrators have been preparing for students to return to campus safely on a hybrid schedule.
About 15 percent of the student body signed up to return back to school, but fewer than 10 percent are currently attending in-person classes. “Being back at school is pretty weird, especially because so few people are back,” said junior Emika Davis. “I am the only person in school in four of my classes, so I do not see the benefit to being back at school.”
As students are going back to school, keeping everyone safe is the most important objective. Glendale Unified School District has made adjustments to the school campuses and classrooms, as well as adding certain procedures to the typical school day to follow the Covid safety regulations. Students have also taken it upon themselves to stay as safe as possible. “At school, I make sure to wash my hands frequently and try to distance myself from other people as well as wearing a mask and sanitizing all my supplies,” Davis said.
If Los Angeles County stays in the yellow tier, schools will be permitted to return to the initial hybrid schedule. With the new hybrid school system, students start school at 8 a.m. and return home at 1:25 p.m. All classes except for the first period are 70 minutes long. “I do enjoy having shorter classes, but at the same time I feel like it really takes away from our learning because we can only do so much during shorter class periods,” said senior Sophie Pieneke.
Students are returning back to in person class, but many agree that everyone’s safety is the most important consideration. “Another Covid outbreak at school can prolong the reopening and can lead to countless hospitalizations and death,” Pieneke said. “Clark has done a great job in protecting its students and staff by installing sanitizer pumps, air purifiers, and ensuring everyone is wearing a mask.”
To follow the CDC guidelines, plastic dividers are placed around desks to follow the six feet apart mandate between the students and teachers. There would be no exchanging of papers between students and teachers. “Since all assignments remain online, this makes me feel safer being at school because I will not be near other students or the teacher,” said senior Nathan Scherrer.
“I definitely feel that being in person has made me more attentive because I have less distractions around me,” Scherrer said. “Even though going to school in person is a difficult change due to the change in schedule and having to get up early to get ready for school, I am glad I made the decision.”

Dream destination? South of France
Interests/ hobbies? Running and hiking
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