(June 17, 2003) “Measure once, cut twice,” (the number of times Mr. Dall has said that.) The artificial blood on the pavement at the “Every Fifteen Minutes” assembly. The weighted GPAs (Thanks God!) The fact Ms. Newcomer knows everything. The Iraqi War walkout. September 11 th Leaving your backpack in the halls attended over night and finding it there is the morning. The block schedule Bagels in the office The security cameras and that Soviet looking-fence The Doom v. West debate Chocolate sale after chocolate sale followed by lollipop sales (Trying to fatten us up ey?) Freezing classrooms (Craemer’s) That tasty, free food at the senior BBQs NAUGTY OR NICE Santa Claus is coming to town in six months. What will be in the stockings of the class of 2003: chocolates and nuts or a switch and coal? Naughty: Racing in the student parking lot. Waltzing out of tutorial because you had a car. Those off-campus food runs. Wearing a t-shirt under that jacket. Copying your math that math assignment on the bus. Forging your Mentor Verification Form. Writing that term paper assigned a month in advance at lunch in the office. Using your T.A. pass to photocopy things for yourself. Sleeping through economics (you know you did it!) Snagging a bagel from the office. Nice: Talking to that freshman. Helping that ESL students read. Picking up that piece of trash to beautify the campus. Talking your undeserving date to prom. Spotting your friends $2 for lunch. Having the salad bar instead of that greasy pizza. Washing your P.E. clothes. Pointing out a mistake on the final. Wearing your safety goggles in chemistry. Erasing the whiteboard for your teacher. See the good outweighs the bad…truly a sweet little set of students, aren’t we? Forgive our occasional naughtiness…we may have our moments but on the whole you have to say goodbye to the smartest, richest, most charming senior Clark has known!
Some random thoughts on being a Clarkie
June 8, 2009