Google drops the ball on Nexus 6 pre-orders
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The stunning Nexus 6 appropriately beside a lollipop.
Hype has been insane for Motorola and Google’s latest smartphone, Nexus 6, ever since its Oct. 29 pre-order date was announced earlier this month. Most major mobile providers had essentially confirmed that they’d be participating in said pre-orders, but that certainly was not the case the other day when none of them were prepared to do so.
As of now, Google Play is the only provider that has the phone available for pre-order for its full price of $650 for the 32GB and $700 for the 64GB. However, this is where Google showed their disappointingly amateurish skills when the pre-orders completely sold out in mere minutes. Pre-orders aren’t something that are supposed to sell out so easily since the item itself isn’t even in stock yet, so it’s a wonder why sales have ceased.
“I don’t think that’s how you should do a pre-order system,” said junior Dustin Hunt. “You need a pre-order system to gauge demand.” This isn’t a good start to the overall revenue of the Nexus 6, but it probably won’t dissuade those who truly want one not to purchase it. “Even though Google messed up, I don’t think it’ll affect them negatively because anybody who’s dedicated enough to pre-order it within the first five minutes of release probably won’t give up on it just because of this one mistake.”
“Let’s just hope this isn’t another Nexus 4 scenario,” Hunt said, as he referred to the similar situation Google face in 2012 during the pre-orders of the Nexus 4. Pre-orders clearly isn’t Google’s forte judging by these two mishaps, but that hasn’t reduced the demand of this apparetically incredible new smartphone.
The phone has a 5.96 inch screen with a 2560 x 1440 Quad HD Display, making it a true spectacle. It also features a 13 megapixel camera and dual front-facing speakers, only enhancing its aesthetic perfection. Not to mention it beautifully promotes Android’s latest operating system, also known as Lollipop. The only questions that remain is when pre-orders will begin and when will the actual release date be revealed.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Inter-dimensional travel.