Racing through obstacles of the mud runs
Who knew running through six miles of mud could actually be fun?
Courtesy of Gladiator Rock n’Run
Seniors Argeen Ghazarian and Connor McGarrah after finishing the race.
Mud runs are not traditional types of runs in any way whatsoever. They are races where participants run through obstacles of mud, water, ice, soap and other challenges to finish the race. The runs are usually 10-kilometer races, but depending on the track and the amount of room, they could be, at times, 5-kilometer races instead.
Since mud runs are growing in popularity, many different organizations have started runs across the country throughout the year. Some of the most popular in the Los Angeles area are the Gladiator Rock’n Runs and the Down and Dirty Mud Runs.
Senior Connor McGarrah and I decided to take part in the 10 kilometer Down and Dirty Mud Run at Castaic Lake back in April 2015 as our first mud run. We had no idea what to expect but we ran 3-6 miles every weekday since the moment we signed up until the actual race to prepare for the run and be able to finish it without the need of having to stop and walk.
The race had more than 20 obstacles that kept us worrying and ensured that we finish the race completely muddy and wet. “My favorite obstacle was the Tunnel and Low Crawl,” McGarrah said. “It was a tunnel filled with deep mud and it was funny because you could see everyone losing their shoes in the mud since it was so thick.”
This race also had four or five mud pits that made us lie on our stomachs and crawl through mud to get out on the other side. Because of the drought in California, there were no rinse off stations so we had to jump in the lake to wash off before getting in the car, which was a great way to end off the run, by the way.
Since the first mud run we did was such a fun success, we decided to take part in the Gladiator Rock’n Run in Irvine on June 25. This race only offered a 5 kilometer with fewer obstacles than the last, unfortunately.
Although, the Gladiator run was shorter, their obstacles were much longer, muddier, and more difficult. There was a section of deep mud that required 10-15 minutes to complete because it was so long and tough.
The water plunge was probably the most refreshing obstacle in the entire race. “They actually had a wet slide that plunged you into a pool of muddy water,” McGarrah said. “And it was so fun since it was really hot outside.”
After the race was over, there were bands and food trucks around the course to celebrate the run and make the day even more fun.
“Even though I participate in other type of races, these were the first mud runs I was ever a part of,” McGarrah said. “They were insanely fun and I loved it.”

Argeen Ghazarian sliding down one of the mud run obstacles into a pit of mud.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Running, swimming, watching movies.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Volunteering and working.