Football intramurals show that trying your best is all that matters
Clark students win their final intermurals game.
On Oct. 23, the final football intramurals game was played between the junior and senior division. The two teams that played were the Giants and the Patriots, with the Giants winning 3–1.
The losing team, the Patriots, were not that surprised when they didn’t win because of their disadvantages with only five players on their team. “We didn’t expect to win,” junior Patriots team member Leo Boghazian said. “We just wanted to tie the game and finish it up since we only had five players against seven.”
The Patriot’s team members were not at all experienced on the football field, as most of them were basketball and soccer players.
The touchdown that was made by the Patriots was made by junior Arpier Haritachian. Team member Nareg Mehrabian threw the ball to Haritachian while Boghazian covered Haritachian in order for him to make the touchdown.
Haratichian’s loss did not bring him down. “I didn’t feel too bad about losing because I know I gave it my best and that’s all that matters,” Haratchian said.
Even though the Patriots were not as experienced as the Giants, Boghazian said he is still proud of his team. “We played with our heart and full strength in order to restrict our opponent to win against us,” Boghazian said. “However, I’m proud of my teammates for playing their hardest and finishing second.”
The freshman and sophomore division final game was on Oct. 29. The game was against the Saints and the Eagles, with the Saints’ win of 3–2.
The Saints made the first touchdown of the game which started a back and forth touchdown until the final score.
The Saints’ quarterback, sophomore Seiran Aleksanyan, surprised both teams during the second down by faking a throw and running for the touchdown. His team was expecting a different play while his opposing team was caught off guard by the move.
Even though Saints’ team member sophomore Hovik Movsisyan said he was happy that his team won, he knows that that is not the reason for the game. “At the end of the day, it’s not who won or lost,” Movsisyan said. “We all played for the love of the sport.”
The next intramurals will occur next semester and will switch gears from football to basketball.

Interest/Hobbies: Avoiding my work by watching BuzzFeed videos on YouTube and just YouTube in general.
Extracurricular Activities: Music club...