Staying In Shape During the School Year
Students all want to stay in shape, especially when in high school, but it doesn’t help when all the stress that they get just tempts them to stress eat. Stress eating causes people to overeat because students get stressed from assignments, projects, volunteering, as well as trying to manage their social lives. But because of stress eating, students gain weight which can cause them to be self-conscious.
Some join gyms or try diets to help lose weight or do both, which was what I did. I stopped eating delicious sugary treats and watched how much I ate and went to the gym for two hours five times a week. Of course, I could only go to the gym so often because of summer vacation. I managed to lose a lot of weight which made me proud of myself. Senior Basma Saadallah joined Total Woman Gym in Sept. 2013. Ever since she started going to the gym she she began to “feel good about [herself].”
While it is hard to go to the gym and work out, there is a simple workout routine for that students can do for ten minutes when they get home.
10 squats: for legs
10 crunches: for abs
10 push ups: for chest and triceps

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Reading, watching Korean dramas, and origami
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Secretary of GMG for Clark division.