California set to reopen June 15

Hasmik Balyan

Putting on masks won’t be required this summer.

Gov. Gavin Newsom officially announced California to reopen starting June 15. The state has been trying to reopen for months now, and now we are at a point where we can officially reopen. Starting June 15 the officials announced that there will no longer be any limitations and no need to social distance. In addition, fully vaccinated people will no longer need to wear masks, and many outdoor and indoor activities will be allowed. 

For the past year, COVID-19 truly impacted many lives. I believe that it is time for the state to open up again, and hopefully over time things can go back to normal. The opening of the state also means that schools are officially opening, which I think is very exciting. Many students, myself included, found online both easy yet very difficult. With the schedule changes and remote learning, it was a struggle to take in the information being taught during class because we weren’t learning in person.

As of June 4, just over half of Californians have been fully vaccinated, and 12 percent of Califonians are partially vaccinated. Therefore, I don’t see why it should not be safe for them to leave their houses just like how they did pre-Covid. Although many people have gotten the vaccine, many others have not, and therefore in order to stay safe I think that if they would like to leave their houses, taking precautions should be mandatory for their own safety. It would be best for them to continue to wear masks and social distance because the virus is still infecting people. If there are people who are not vaccinated, who are scared of the virus, and who would like to stay home, then it would be best for them to remain at home for their own health and safety. 

Virus cases have rapidly decreased as many people continue to get the vaccine. The vaccine was a huge push towards the state reopening since it allows people to be safe. Hopefully the state reopening does not mean the virus cases will rise because that will most likely lead to quarantine again which would be a huge set back. 

The state reopening will allow people to interact with others, not through a screen but in person. This year was very hard to adapt to since staying at home was overwhelming and tiring.

We can safely come in contact with our friends and family without having to worry about infecting them if we are vaccinated. The same routine being repeated every day was a struggle. Hopefully, the state reopens safely, and the cases don’t rise again so that we can all continue to return back to our normal lives.