FDA establishes firmer laws against e-cigarettes
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E-cigarettes continue to destroy the health of young people across the country.
The new regulations that the Food and Drug Administration has set in place regarding e-cigarettes is a big step in the race towards a tobacco-free world, or at least a world in which teenagers do not smoke. The new laws that will take effect in 90 days prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone younger than 18. In addition, manufacturers have to get all of their ingredients approved by the government and must submit their products to the government for approval.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, middle school and high school e-cigarette use tripled from 2013 to 2014. This is a serious problem that parents and other officials need to pay more attention to. The stricter laws for e-cigarette sales are a brilliant idea since around 580 kids not yet eighteen years old become regular smokers each day, according to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. With these laws in place, it will be harder for young people to obtain e-cigarettes, and companies will have to sell the rest of the public safer products due to the government’s new regulations.
Some might say that these laws are an extra burden to deal with. Small companies and business owners complain that their business will not be able to survive if they have to have every product approved by the government, as this will increase spending costs for the business. The Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association believes that the new FDA regulations would put 99 percent of the industry out of business because of the expenses and time needed. However, it is definitely more important to guarantee that the next few generations will grow up without ever trying, or being tempted to try, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products rather than having a few people keep their job at a tobacco shop. Our nation’s youth’s health should be valued more than unemployment problems.