The start of the annual Senior Barbecue kicked off the second greatly anticipated event from the senior event’s agenda. The ASB-organized event started to be set up during snack with the help of admin and ASB staff before the event was to begin during third period. At the start of third period, all the seniors were directed to the amphitheater for the traditional senior Panorama picture, a tradition that along with the Senior BBQ started with Clark’s very first Principal, Mr. Dall. Everyone was designated to sit in specific spots marked with blue tape to form the classic 25 shape signifying the graduating year for the seniors.
Mr. Bishop and Mr. Zamlich stood on the roof of the gymnasium to ensure the perfect silhouette of the 25, while Ms. Tatevosian communicated with them to direct all the seniors on the ground floor. The bright sun did not make it easy for the memorable smiles of all the seniors to be captured, but even with some blinking or watery eyes Mr. Zamlich was able to capture the unforgettable picture that will hang eternally in the hallway by the main entrance for future generations of Clark students to look back on.
While all the seniors were squinting for a perfect smile Mr. Doom and Dr. Pruitt were hard at work grilling burgers to perfection. Other teachers and admin like Mr. Mikaelian and Dr. Hairapetian were prepared at their toppings post. The smell of burger patties coming from the front area of the gates filled the amphitheater, making everyone hungry as Ms. Kirakosyan and Ms. Shahverdian handed out color-coded slips that indicated which color ticket would be served first to prevent a huge line from forming.

The barbecue station in front of the cafeteria was decorated with the classical Clark, luau-themed setup with brightly colored artificial necklace leis and leaves decorating the tables where students could sit and enjoy their burgers. Students also wore flower shirts that gave the perfect touch of festivity, color, and vacation vibes to the event. The burgers were offered with cheese, no cheese, and even impossible burger patties. Senior Sani Tapar had one of the vegetarian burgers and expressed her opinions on it. “I had never tried a vegetarian burger that was not from The Habit, but this one was pretty good,” Tapar said. Other seniors, like Natalie Atanesyan and Taron Martirosyan, expressed how the event was a great bonding moment with students and teachers.
After receiving their burgers, students had the rest of third period and lunch to hang out with their friends, take pictures, and even play limbo with the decorative tiki torches. “Overall it was a great experience for seniors, to have a chance to hang out with friends and be able to relax for the period,” senior Meredit Barkhodarian said.
As the senior BBQ came to an end, it left a bittersweet trail for all seniors. The event marked a busy and exciting year for all seniors, with college apps, senior project, and all the events to come but it also was a reminder of their short time left at Clark. A short time to make fun and lasting memories of their last year in high school.