On September 15, 2023, Clark’s interim principal, Mark Rubio, made his first announcement on the PA requesting all freshmen be excused from first period to partake in the Pancake Breakfast. As the freshmen walked down to the covered area, the fresh scent of pancakes filled the air. Students were excited to skip their first period as ASB hosted another annual pancake breakfast to welcome the class of 2027.
At first glance, students could see tables decorated with green and yellow tablecloths, topped off with a vase of flowers. ASB waited near the cafeteria, ready to serve the freshmen with pancakes, toppings, and juice.
Having prepared the batter and toppings during enrichment the day before, ASB’s senior class was ready for the following morning’s events. “A few seniors stayed the day before during enrichment to prepare the pancakes. The cafeteria was a giant mess. We were mixing 40 pounds of pancake mix in a giant mixer with a group of about 10 people,” ASB president Vahag Matevosian said.

Before students got in line to get their pancakes with their friends and classmates, they sat in the amphitheater and met their class officers. Students were greeted by Clark’s interim principal Mr. Mark Rubio, in the absence of Dr. Landisi. Students were released and arranged into a single file line to receive their pancakes, but students ended up cutting into the line to stand with their friends. They went down the line of tables, and ASB assisted the students with various toppings including butter, syrup, chocolate chips, and whipped cream. Many teachers contributed to help keep the event organized including Batra, Mardirosian, Mikaelian, Wallach, and Isayan.
After students got their pancakes, they joined their friends at tables. Students also got to take pictures with Clark’s panther mascot, Andy, and personally meet the ASB students. “I thought it was a really great experience to bond with my friends in the morning and to skip first period,” freshman Mary Bazikyan said.
“I loved to see the kids smiling and having a good time. I helped the students with planning for the event, flipping pancakes, and making sure the transition between students was smooth,” Ms. Mardirosian, freshman co-advisor, said. After students finished their pancakes, they got the opportunity to work on homework for their following classes. Even though it was a simple breakfast event, students got to relax, spend time with their friends, and meet new people for an hour and a half.