Clark Honors Armenian Genocide
The Armenian club at Clark set up flags, artwork, and history to showcase Armenian heritage.
With such big student body of Armenians, Clark students honor those who lost their lives during the Armenian Genocide. Each school year, the Armenian Club at Clark honors the Armenian Genocide, and this year they dedicated a Hertiage Week. The commemoration lasted from April 17th to the 21st. Each day, the student body was given the opportunity to represent Armenia.
Dedicated to showing Armenian heritage and pride, students wore clothes that were designed specifically by the Armenian club. Their design included an eagle with a sword in the front and an infinity symbol on the back with inspirational words from Garegin Nzhdeh, a famous Armenian statesmen and military commander. Others wore clothing with the colors red, blue, and orange, representing the flag of Armenia. “We are very determined to make a change in the concept of Armenian Heritage at Clark. We wanted to do something to remember and educate everyone on the Armenian community,” junior Elen Hakobyan said, a member of the Armenian club.
During lunch on Friday, Armenian Club President junior David Harutyunyan and other members gathered at the bottom of the amphitheater. They set up the Armenian flag, Armenian symbols of strength, and artwork representing their homeland. “We wanted to commemorate the memory of the people that lost their lives during the Amrenian genocide, show the world we’re still here no matter what you try to do us, we’re always going to be present and active and striving for the better,” Hauryunyan said.
One of the posters had dates and descriptions of the events during the Armenian genocide. Club President Harutyunyan was pointing out and explaining some of the events to students who were interested in learning more. “We’re informing people from other nations about our history, our culture, and since it’s a majority Armenian student body, we decided to do it,” he said.
Clark’s Armenian Heritage Week was necessary to spread awareness and knowledge about the series of events of the Armeinan Genocide. It’s important to notice and acknowledge the history and background of each culture, which helps improve the community and one’s sense of belonging.

Interests/hobbies? Video gaming, basketball, bike riding, watching Netflix, and hiking.
Dream Destination? Norway
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