Elf Movie night puts Clark in a Holiday Spirit
Students hangout in the Auditeria to watch Elf.
On November 9, 2022, approximately 135 students lined up from 6:00pm to attend Clark’s annual movie night. The junior class that is responsible for movie night each year voted to show the Elf movie.“It has been in the works for a couple months already; we have weekly committee meetings with the ASB juniors and our advisor, Mr Isayan,” said ASB Junior President, Vahag Matevosian. “We plan out what would be the best option to raise money for our class for future events.”
ASB students were waiting by their stations to serve pizza, popcorn, and water, which were included in the tickets. During the first 30 minutes, students were able to enjoy some snacks, play ping pong, or get cozy into the auditeria. Inside the auditeria were chairs and tables set up to play board games and cards.
“It was fun to play ping pong with my friends, and other people got to enjoy it too if they didn’t want to watch the movie,” said Senior Elen Movsisyan, who attended the movie night. A big open space for students was left to set up blankets and sit with their friends inside. It allowed students to get more comfortable and relaxed at school. It is the first year that the movie night was located in the auditeria, since it was too cold outside.
Inside the auditeria, ASB put up paper snowflakes on the walls, mini lights on the stairs, and Christmas trees around the room. Outside there were tables with red and green tablecloths, also displaying a ping pong table .
Along with providing food and a movie, ASB also provided other forms of entertainment, which was cookie decorating. At the cookie decorating station, there were different shaped gingerbread and sugar cookies, colorful sprinkles, and icing. “It brought people together and they were able to have fun with their friends,” said ASB director of student recognition, Diana Avetisyan. “People were able to decorate their cookies and eat them later on.”
The tradition of movie night will continue, to make Clark more enjoyable. “ASB gives a special thanks to teachers [and staff] who were chaperoning: Bishop, Asatryan, Hirdler, Ohanian, Kortoshian, Isayan and Frazer,” said Matevosian.

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