Fall Rally: Clark students take a trip to Sesame Street
Students from each grade participate to shoot some hoops during Grouch’s Basketball Game.
Many Clark students can’t wait for the Fall season to come along because it is the season filled with some of the most exciting events waiting for them. Clark’s ASB makes sure that the students get to experience not only the traditional Clarktoberfest during the Fall semester, but also the Fall Rally, in order to get their spirits up before the Thanksgiving holiday break.
The rally was split into groups A and B. Students part of group A started walking toward the amphitheater to take their seats at 10:50 a.m. ASB played loud, upbeat music to hype the students up further as they took in the sights of the colorful backdrop, or posters, decorated with the characters and the images of the light-hearted and funny theme: Sesame Street. Each student was already aware of the theme before the rally as ASB made sure to inform every class to wear a specific color according to a Sesame Street character on this free dress day to show support for their class. Seniors wore red for Elmo, juniors wore blue for the Cookie Monster, sophomores wore yellow for Big Bird, and freshmen wore green for Oscar the Grouch.
After the students sat down according to class in the amphitheater, ASB got the rally started with the national anthem sung by Tina Issagholian and quickly continued with the four games they had planned. These games sparked competition between the four different classes, starting off with catching ping pong balls into a jar, then continuing on with a cookie-eating contest, a balloon race, and lastly, a basketball contest.
To show the true purpose of the Fall Rally, the Masters of Ceremony, ASB’s president Emily Hovsepian and Senior class president Mayla Khachatourian, took the time to express thankfulness and recognize some of Clark’s hard-working groups, including Mock Trial, the Robotics Team, the Animation Team, our counselors, and Honors GIS Remote Sensing. In order to reinforce the schoolwide Positive Panther P.O.W.E.R, they assigned each of these groups to one of the meanings of the P.O.W.E.R acronym (purpose, ownership, work ethic, empathy, and respect). To conclude the rally and really show the Thanksgiving and holiday spirit, they read some gratitude cards that students and teachers submitted.
After the heat and excitement of the rally, ASB’s Director of Finance Alex Barfyan shared some insight about the process of setting the rally up and decorating everything. “It was a little chaotic at the start of this morning as we had to make a lot of quick decisions to decide what we should do with the wallpaper.” Barfyan continues to explain how ASB had some last-minute problems with putting up the wallpaper because it was all ripping from the wind. “Eventually we figured out an efficient way to tape it, and it felt great when everything else went smoothly.”
After both rallies A and B concluded, students were excited to get an extra ten minutes for lunch to start off their Thanksgiving break.

Dream Destination? New York City
Something I'd tell my 10 year old self: Balance out the work and fun in your life.
Favorite Genre: Fantasy/Romance