Breast Cancer Awareness Week at Clark
Students at the ASB station signing the poster with positive messages for Breast Cancer patients.
“Support the fighters, admire the survivors, and honor the taken.”
The month of October has been recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness week by the CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death in women in the United States. Breast Cancer Awareness week was started in 1991 with activist Charlotte Haley who was a breast cancer survivor, trying to raise the funding for cancer prevention. As part of her activism, she sent out cards including peach ribbons.
The activism continues at Clark Magnet High school. This week, the associate student body decided to recognize this issue and spread awareness to their fellow students and staff members. Focused on making change and informing the student body about Breast Cancer, ASB set up a poster signing station during lunch.
Titled “Support The Fighters,” students were encouraged to write positive comments for Breast Cancer surviving patients. The poster would be put up near the office so the Clark community would be informed. Various students came up to sign and write messages such as “You won’t just survive, you’ll live!” and “You’re enough!” Pink ribbons were put on the table for students to take, wearing it which meant standing with current patients and past survivors.
The color pink represents the courage and resilience of women who fight breast cancer, and that there’s hope for the future. “We’re giving the people who are currently experiencing breast cancer a thought of belonging and inspiring them to keep on fighting,” said Emiliya Isagholian. “We want them to know that we care and support them in their journey.”

Interests/hobbies? I like to play video games, paint my nails, read books, bike ride, and do photography.
Dream Destination? Philippines, Costa Rica...