The Annual Senior Class BBQ
Seniors Nyra Tatoulian, Natalie Antonopoulos, Mary Zohrabyran, Nareh Agekian, and Claire Choi are enjoying the eventful BBQ as they eat their yummy burgers and delicious cotton candy.
Nothing can go wrong with the aroma of sizzling burgers on a hot day with fellow classmates. After the memorable event of “Senior Sunrise,” many seniors are excited for more events to come. The Class of 2023 finally got their taste of the annual Senior Class BBQ. It is tradition for the senior class to have their burgers and snacks after capturing the senior panoramic photo in the amphitheater.
The Senior BBQ kicked off the beginning of the third period until the end of lunch. As the festivities began, the Class of 2023 first took their panorama picture for the year’s school yearbook.
Thankfully, the Publications class and ASB did an outstanding job of setting up beforehand and managing where each student sits to form “23” for the graduating class. The panoramic picture took about 30 to 45 minutes. Students were called row by row to be seated and it took several tries to get the yearbook’s perfect shot: leaving students seated under the brutal flames of the Sun. Although the seniors were getting irritated by the Sun, it build more excitement for the BBQ itself; they wanted to go have fun with their friends instead of taking a picture.
Once the photo was taken; majority of the seniors grabbed their backpacks and rushed down to fall in line for their burgers.
As the seniors dressed up for the event, the festivities began. Senior Nairy Manoukian and her group of friends were dressed up in colorful Hawaiian shirts and wore leis. “The most memorable part of Senior BBQ was being able to hang out with my friends at school more than usual,” said Manoukian.
While the seniors waited in line, members of ASB distributed out colorful leis and raffle tickets inspired by the theme of Hawaii! The Clark’s faculty did an excellent job of how well- prepared the food was. Some faculty members helped each other out; some distributed the buns, others gave out the meat, veggies, and condiments. Not only were burgers a part of this event, but so was delicious and yummy cotton candy!
The class advisors Mrs. Ani and Armineh Mikaelian coordinated this event well as they both made sure the burgers were ready to go and there would be enough for every hungry senior. As the seniors got their burgers, most of them would hang by the decorative tables or simply on the steps of the amphitheater.
The Senior BBQ is definitely a memorable and unforgettable event; seniors were able to bond as they ate delicious food, and got to spend their precious time as a senior with their friends As these events continue, seniors are able to reminisce back on these fun moments, but also continue to aspire for more.

Interests/hobbies? Listening to music, hanging out with friends, and traveling.
Dream Destination? Paris
In 20 years... I will hopefully have a stable...

Interests/hobbies? Reading, hiking, spending time with family/friends, and of course eating.
Dream Destination? Europe
In 20 years... I hope to be...