‘Home Alone’ brings comfort to students at annual movie night
Junior ASB member David Babayan sells candy at the annual movie night.
‘Drag me Down’ by One Direction was blasting from the speakers and the smell of pizza and popcorn wafted through the cold winter air.
199 Clark students were smoothly admitted into Clark, a clear step-up from the homecoming admittance issue.
Students were required to bring a negative COVID test within 72 hours with them to be admitted, or a vaccination card.
The students came bundled up in pajamas and blankets and sat on the amphitheatre steps to watch the movie. Although there were some technical issues, the movie warmed the hearts of whoever was watching. Accidentally, the sprinklers had turned on towards the end of the movie, marking an early end.
Due to the ASB students not being allowed to handle cash, a ticket system was established, where one ticket equaled a dollar. Students used the tickets to buy snacks, pizza and drinks.
“Not a lot of people were really watching the movie, and most of the couples were cuddling under blankets to keep warm from the sharp cold,” said junior Nairy Manoukian.
“Due to the COVID protocols, administration didn’t allow us to do a dance after, but the night was still memorable.”
Manoukian also speculated that more people would have shown up had there been a dance, but the turnout was just as great.
“One thing we would do differently was to advertise the event more as well as more organization with the food,” said Junior Class Historian, Mariangel Kourkounian.
The gates opened at 6, and the event started at around 7:15. Upon the ending of the event, phone calls went out to parents to remind them of the time.
Most of the students came dressed in similar attire, even matching their pajama pants to each other. They brought blankets and bundled up to watch the movie.
It was a great opportunity for Clark students to get out and watch a movie together for the first time after the pandemic.

Interests/hobbies? I love playing volleyball, listening to The Weeknd, reading, and watching F1.
Dream Destination? All the F1 tracks/circuits

Interests/hobbies? Dance? Listening to music:)
Dream Destination? London!
In 20 years... I want a cat
Favorite Fictional Character? Brooke Penelope...