Clarktoberfest 2021
Sophomores Marina Iritsyan and Lia Boyajyan playing with the football jumper at Clarktoberfest.
After being quarantined for a year and missing out on Clark’s exciting events, students were happy to be able to experience all that they missed last year. ASB definitely made up for it this year, from organizing Clark’s homecoming to hosting Clark’s Clarktoberfest on October 22, 2021.
Students were very excited to skip 7th period and instead walk down to the field to spend time with their friends at Clarktoberfest. A few days before the event, students bought tickets to spend on the variety of snacks that were being offered. ASB did an excellent job hyping everyone up for all the food and games that would be available at Clarktoberfest.
On the field, ASB set up many games, provided lots of food, and played music that students could listen to while hanging out with their friends. As students got down to the field, they automatically found their friends and rushed to the food stands to spend their tickets.
ASB and clubs served a variety of food and drinks, such as, boba, churros, pizza, cotton candy, Krispy Kreme donuts, ramen noodles, chips, candy, and more. While students hung out and bought snacks, they enjoyed playing games, like chess, basketball, soccer, and cornhole. There were jumpers for students to play with and the Clark Drumline even had a mini presentation on the field. The different types of food and games gave students the chance to find multiple activities that they really loved and meet new students who liked the same things they did.
People got to see many new friendships forming and were able to enjoy the lively event. Freshman Hrag Khatcherian really enjoyed playing cornhole and basketball with his friends. “The food was also good, even though some of the food and drinks ran out quickly, but I had lots of fun meeting new people.”
Senior ASB Activities Director Ani Samikian organized Clarktoberfest with the help of the ASB team. She explained that ASB wanted Clarktoberfest to be a fun and exciting event where students can play with each other and get to know each other better, especially freshmen and sophomores who didn’t have the opportunity to do so last year. Samikian was pleased with the results of Clarktoberfest and explained how it was a great event for socializing, fundraising, and having fun, and that she enjoyed organizing it. “With everyone’s help in ASB, we were able to push through the difficulties in setting everything up and make Clarktoberfest a great experience for everyone.”
Clarktoberfest was a great opportunity for students to take a breather from schoolwork and enjoy hanging out all together. The event provided an opportunity for students to socialize with new people, especially freshmen and sophomores, since it was their first Clarktoberfest. After being able to have a break from schoolwork and participate in many thrilling activities at Clarktoberfest with their friends, students are excited to see what other exciting events ASB has planned.

Dream Destination? New York City
Something I'd tell my 10 year old self: Balance out the work and fun in your life.
Favorite Genre: Fantasy/Romance