Club Rush 2021
Junior Eva Zakko signing up for the Finer Things club.
No more waiting rooms or connection issues, as school life slowly goes back to normal, students can leave their computers behind and participate in the annual Club Rush at its traditional location.
At the bottom of the amphitheater, a total of fifty-eight clubs took turns lining side by side, presenting their posters and offering brief overviews of their clubs hoping to gain participants. ASB student Sophia Galstyan who was in charge of planning the event as director of clubs expressed her worries, “I wasn’t sure if I had enough time to approve all the new clubs” said Sophia. There was a small committee for the event within ASB in charge of approving the thirty new clubs while also renewing eighteen clubs from the prior year.
Sophia and Mrs. Scott-Sawyer, the ASB advisor, were very happy with the outcome of the event, “We made some changes because of Covid restrictions and I think these changes will stay for the following years since everything felt much more organized” said Mrs.Scott-Sawyer.
The fifty-eight clubs were split up evenly throughout three days between September 28 through the 30th to distance tables and avoid overcrowding. The event took place during lunchtime and gave students the opportunity to be introduced to numerous clubs that allowed them to participate in school activities while also growing their resumes.
This event not only allowed students to join new clubs but also allowed them to experience a sense of normalcy. For many students, it was their first club rush, and they got very enthusiastic. “It was so exciting to just see everyone,” said sophomore student Mariam Hakobyan. “The music kinda hyped everyone up” Mariam added referring to the upbeat music being played throughout the event.
Many returning students found the event refreshing, getting flashbacks from their freshman and sophomore years. “Things finally seem like they’re going back to how they were before Covid,” said Senior student, Janika Baghoomian.
The event was very stimulating for students, but there seemed to be some poor planning on the behalf of ASB. Though at the end of the day students figured their way around the tables, there was some confusion with missing posters. This led to difficulty for some students as they were looking for specific clubs to join.
Besides some organizing issues, the event as a whole was a success. Due to this, students are gathering up enthusiasm for upcoming school events such as the homecoming dance. As students faced difficulties during pandemic learning, they began craving school activities which made the typical Hollywood definition of the high school experience. Now as life slowly starts going back to normal, students are desperate for the fun parts of high school including events such as this one and many more to come.

Interests/hobbies? Watching movies/shows.
Dream Destination? Everywhere
In 20 years... I'll be 20 years older.
Favorite Fictional Character? Tony...