Club Rush is just a click away: Clark hosts this year’s Club Rush online


The website hyperlinked many different clubs like Asian Club to help bring new members during these times.

While clubs would usually line up in an orderly fashion at the bottom of the amphitheater, clubs now line up in an orderly fashion on students’ computers. Due to the pandemic, Clark had to resort to hosting our annual Club Rush online.

Between Sept. 28 and Oct. 2, ASB made a website with links to all the clubs that students could join. These websites provide students with a summary of the club, as well as forms to join. ASB members spread the word about Club Rush across Instagram, Snapchat and teachers’ Google Classrooms.

This year Clark is offering 49 clubs to the students, with 20 new clubs added to the mix, including Russian Club and Mindfulness Club. The website was split into ten different interests from community clubs to sports clubs. Most of the clubs this year either serve an educational purpose or promote social interaction. 

Senior Sion Fallah said that this system was more effective than live at school. “I like the fact that all the clubs are shown at the same time,” Fallah said. “It was always confusing at school because there wasn’t a list that showed which clubs there were.” 

“I think that it actually gives students more opportunity to join clubs than before,” said sophomore Nathan Scherrer. “I think that this is so effective because students can go on their own time instead of having to use lunchtime to sign up for the clubs that interest them.” Scherrer said that his club, Panther Game Development, had gained more members than last year due to Club Rush being online.

Senior Yana Avanesyan said that she enjoyed making her club’s website, but she thought the deadlines that ASB gave had too little notice. “I know a lot of presidents, including myself, were not notified because we weren’t sent any emails or didn’t have an instagram account,” Avanesyan said.

Although some people didn’t join any club, they still found the online Club Rush beneficial. Sophomore Beatrice Minasyan said that a lot of activities go on at snack and lunch which can limit the amount of time a student can use to join a club. “I think knowing you can always sign up at home online is a good option to have,” Minasyan said. She said that if we are back in school next year, ASB should offer the clubs online as well as in school.