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This year’s movie night takes a new turn
Tyra MarieNicole Quiachon and Martun Gevorgyan pass out nachos and churros to students as Furious 7 plays in the background.
The smell of popcorn, cotton candy and nachos disperse through the air as students wait in line to get in. The moment Clarkies walked through the gates, students are greeted with a long line with a metal detector waiting for them at the end of it, creating the movie theater atmosphere. Students huddle together with their diversely colored blankets as a cool breeze passes through Clark.
On the night of Nov. 8, 350 Clark students and guests filled the amphitheatre steps. This year, ASB decided to view Furious 7, followed by a dance until 10:30 p.m. Junior class president Ani Sahakyan said that the class had to get the movie approved by the administration, and after a few options were thrown into the mix, Furious 7 was the top pick. “We thought it was a good movie that emphasizes friendship,” Sahakyan said.
As people hung out with their friends, the 42 student volunteers worked throughout the night, with small breaks, selling classic movie foods like Snickers and popcorn. Volunteer Raymond Shamiryan said that even though he was working, he was still able to have a good time with his friends. “I would definitely do this again,” Shamiryan said. “ASB was kind enough to give us time to hang with friends.”
As the movie was playing, no one was really watching, according to Sahakyan. People chatted and ate tacos as the movie played in the background. At one end of the amphitheater, Clarkies waited for the dance, while on the other end, patches of students competed in Uno matches. Even though majority of the crowd wasn’t paying attention, students noticed that they abruptly ended the movie and announced the start of the dance. “Since we opened late, we couldn’t afford to finish the movie,” Sahakyan said.
The auditorium filled with sweaty bodies, glow sticks and bright strobe lights. Blasting uncensored songs, students of all grades danced the entire night.
Junior Diana Sargsyan said that the party was a great way to end the night and that it was something Clark hasn’t done before. “It was a good way to get the kids together and we danced a lot,” Sargsyan said. “I think it turned out really fun.”

Hobbies/interests: Playing guitar and painting
Fav artist: Queen
Movie you never get tired of watching: Jurassic Park
Goal for the year: Making...