California governor signs law to allow school start later


Students might finally be getting sleep due to the new bill passed for later school start times.

Will students finally be getting enough sleep during the school year? California Governor Gavin Newsom thinks this could be a reality with a new law he signed earlier this month allowing all California high schools to start at 8:30 a.m. effective in the 2022-23 school year.

The new law states that about half the schools in California would be required to delay their start times by 30 minutes or less, depending on the school district. However, this law will not apply to students if they have a “zero period” or if they are a part of California’s rural school districts.

Students have had mixed feelings on the law. Many got excited when they heard they can sleep longer, but some aren’t as happy due to later end times for schools.

Freshman Alex Hakobyan was very enthusiastic about the law once he heard about it. “It’ll be easier for students to manage their time, and I feel like 30 extra minutes would be better for us to be more prepared in the morning,” he said.

In addition, when asked if he thought the law will change students’ sleep schedules he responded, “I think it might change but I don’t think it would be that much of a time difference because I’d still go to sleep around the same time.”

The new law could also affect people with sports. With a later start time, this means that sports team practices could end later as well. 

Sophomore Emily Gharbian plays basketball for Hoover High School. “We’re going to get home later to start homework and that’s just less sleep for us,” Gharbian said. “There’s no point in it.” 

Sen. Anthony Portantino, who wrote the bill, showed his excitement in a Facebook post: “ Our children’s health and welfare win!!! Thank you Governor Newsom for signing SB 328 to push high school and middle school start time later in the morning. This will have a tremendous benefit to student health and academic performance.” 

With the signing of this new law, an increase in controversy has arisen. Newsom’s predecessors and some school officials have protested against and rejected the law twice before the approval this year. Some are saying that the choice in start times should be left to each district. 

Glendale Teachers Association (GTA) President Taline Arsenian said that she “wasn’t really surprised” by the bill’s passage. “Based on the research, there should be positive consequences for students,” Arsenian said. “However, not all research and data have expected results on everyone when implemented.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Newsom’s signature on the bill came on the final day for him to act on legislation before adjourning for the rest of the year.