Mr. Frazier likes to spend time in the gym during his free time.
Let’s get physical
New Physical Education teacher is not only new to campus but new to teaching
As older teachers retire new teachers come in their place, and this year a new physical education teacher, Steven Frazer, has been introduced to the Clark Magnet High School staff. Frazer is not only a new teacher at Clark but this is his first year teaching.
Before becoming a staff member, Frazer attended San Diego State for his degree in Kinesiology and then Cal Poly Pomona for his teaching credential. Two things pushed Frazer to become a teacher he is today: his family life and his love for health and fitness. “Both of my parents are teachers and seeing the lifestyle they lived and how they had so many amazing opportunities and how happy they were with their jobs, combined with my love for health and fitness, made me become a P.E. teacher,” Frazer said. “I combined the teaching world with my passion to create a job I am happy with.”
Frazer said he applied for jobs everywhere since it was his first year teaching, and when he heard about what a great place Glendale is he was more than happy to take the job. Growing up not too far from Clark, in Claremont, and having family and friends around made Glendale Unified School District an easy choice. “I have been around Glendale a lot,” Frazer said. “I have been to the Galleria and I work out at Gold’s Gym, so I am familiar with the city.” Frazer said he loves Clark for its atmosphere and size. He says that he feels like Clark is a small community where “everyone knows everyone.”
Besides teaching, Frazer enjoys cooking and anything else that has to do with food. “I love to cook and eat, anything like being a foodie, and I also enjoy hikes and hanging out with friends,” he said. “Anything that has to do with being active and involves food is something I am up for.”
In middle school, Frazer had different experiences with his physical education teachers. One year he had a teacher who did not teach him anything rather than just telling him to “grab a ball and go play a game.” Another year he had a teacher who was involved and taught him a lot of the activities and games he knows now. “Teachers who are active and involved with the students is the right way to teach P.E,” he said. “It is what I believe in and what I want to show my students. These students need to learn that they only have one body to invest in and that is what you have for the rest of your life.”
“I didn’t expect to be the biggest fan of P.E, but the way Mr. Frazer teaches us and all the activities he plans make it fun for me,” said freshman Adena Babakhanian. “Honestly I can’t wait to learn all the games and try new sports that I never have.” Babakhanian said P.E. has become one of her favorite classes.
Frazer has many new sports and activities planned for the school year. He wants to contribute different lifestyles and cultural games. He also wants to teach the students how to lead a healthy lifestyle and leave class every day learning something new that they can show others one day. “The students are willing to learn and are excited to be here and I can’t wait to teach them and watch them grow,” Frazer said.