Seniors enjoy a magical day at Disneyland
The popular castle was under construction during the Senior Trip.
For the second year in a row, Clark seniors got to enjoy Disneyland. On Feb. 9, about 60 seniors took a trip to Disneyland for the second year in a row. The trip is an important one for seniors, many seniors say. “We don’t have a lot of activities at Clark like other high schools, so it was both important and special that as a friend group we went to make the most of our last year together,” said senior Nelly Mazmanyan.
The morning began with a mild rain, foreshadowing a damp and gloomy day. However, upon arrival at 8:30 a.m., the rain had almost ceased and the sun had made its debut and stayed for the rest of the day.
“I was low-key kind of worried because I didn’t want my day to get ruined by the rain,” said senior Nayely Araujo. “Thank God that that wasn’t the case… it was actually such a beautiful day.”
Seniors went their separate ways after entering the park. However, everyone kept in touch through Remind texts. At 9:30 p.m., seniors met up at the entrance of the park to watch the fireworks. “It was more than just fireworks — there was music and characters from my favorite movies,” Araujo said.
Seniors were fortunate enough to be given the option to go, for this year’s fate was not concrete, according to last year’s article on Clark Chronicle. Clark will probably not participate in an official “Grad Nite” for their students anytime soon due to legal reasons, according to ASB President Abdullah Hasan. Disneyland was not an option for students two years ago. “I am so happy we went as a school this year and I hope it remains as a tradition for years to come,” Araujo said.

Hobbies: Playing guitar and traveling
Favorite shows: Queer Eye, Jane the Virgin, Riverdale
Places you want to travel to: Greece
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