The ethical hackers of Clark
New hacking class trains students to become future white hats
Period two Ethical Hacking class at work.
As a technology magnet, Clark offers many classes having to do with computers and coding. A new class added in the 2018 school year offers an “ethical” knowledge of hacking. Taught by Glendale Community College professor Sevada Isayan, the class offers lessons in networks, cyber security and hacking.
Along with college course credits, at the end of the course, students become certified “white hats” or ethical computer hackers. Being certified can open up a lot of opportunities in the future. Junior Max Kovach said that he is enjoying the class this far. “The teacher is really good at what he does,” Kovach said. “He makes it interesting. Having hacking knowledge can open up a lot of career opportunities. If academics aren’t your thing, this class really gives you a possible path for the future.”
Being trained as a white hat can open the door to many different jobs, from IT Security to research for big companies. “[The class] is great because it is about students completing pathways especially in career technical education,” said Assistant Principal Dr. Brian Landisi. “This is just one of those pathways, which is perfect for a science and technology school.”

Junior Vince Hilahan concentrates on the current assignment in ethical hacking.

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