The new biology teacher, Ms. Zovig Minassian.
Minassian brings new life into biology
Growing up surrounded by animals changed the life of Zovig Minassian and made her the teacher she is today. Minassian joined the staff of Clark as the new biology teacher for sophomores. Minassian teaches biology because of her fascination with how things work, she says.
Minassian had even considered being a veterinarian, due to her love for animals. “Visiting the Marine Mammal Center in San Francisco, the Seward Sealife Center in Alaska and the National Aquarium in Baltimore are some of my favorite destinations,” Minassian said. “I was always fascinated with discovering how things work, like ants walking single file with a specific purpose and destination.” With this question in mind, Minassian began her adventure of becoming a teacher.
She was already teaching full time, but also attended classes at California State University, Northridge to receive her credentials. “Juggling class assignments and teaching responsibilities took most of my free time, including weekends,” Minassian said. In the end, she says, it was all worth it since now she does what she loves.
Minassian has always had a passion for teaching. She has been teaching for 26 years and almost every grade level, Kindergarten-12th grade. “My favorite part about teaching is bringing about curiosity and excitement about the discovery aspect of learning,” she said. She is always looking for that “lightbulb moment” in a student. She believes students should always “dig deeper” and ask questions.
“Ms. Minassian has good teaching methods that help us learn the most,” said sophomore Maneh Hovanesyan. “She is very helpful and she always keeps us alert and in focus. The way she teaches is great because it helps us understand more.” Hovanesyan said she is very happy to have her as a new teacher and cannot wait for the rest of the year.
Being a new teacher at Clark, Minassian is happy to have a helpful, welcoming and supportive staff. “I’ve met many kind and caring individuals,” Minassian said. “There’s a community of trust and collaboration that was apparent from our first staff meetings.”