Seniors take on Disneyland
Sleeping Beauty’s castle lights up the night during Clark’s first Disney trip.
There’s only one thing seniors have wanted since the dawn of time: Disneyland Grad Nite. Finally, on Feb. 3, Clark seniors were given the opportunity to have something similar. At 6:45 a.m., 96 seniors and 6 chaperones met up on campus to go on the long awaited Disneyland trip. Upon arriving at Disneyland, everyone went their separate ways.
To keep in touch, everyone was required to join the Remind system. With that, at 4 p.m., everyone met up by Sleeping Beauty’s castle to take a group photo, and again at 9:30 p.m. at the end of the day.
Seniors spend 12 hours at the park. “I had a lot of fun,” said senior Patricia Cardeno. “We’re lucky that we were able to have this. It was like one final bonding for all the seniors before we all go our separate ways.”
ASB President Lara Khanjian was the mastermind behind the whole event. “I know all the other high schools do Grad Nite, and it was something I personally wanted. As we went through on the years, I heard that other people wanted to do it as well,” Khanjian said. “I thought it’d be a great way to create a new tradition at Clark because we don’t have the events that all the other high schools do.”
For years, Clark students were always left out on Grad Nite. The event usually happens in May; however, it interferes with AP exams as well as Senior Project presentations. Although it wasn’t at the same time as all the other high schools, ASB was able to set a date that wouldn’t overlap other major student activities. “I worked with administration and got everything together, and they approved it,” Khanjian said. “And so we budgeted and we had enough money to do it,” Khanjian said.
Whether this is happening next year is still in question, but this Disneyland trip is one that will leave a mark in Clark history. “We’re still unsure if we are doing a Disney trip [next year],” said junior Abdullah Hasan, ASB Director of Publicity and Events. “We are trying our best to plan something that fits into our budget and schedules.”