Annual Expo gives a taste of what Clark has to offer
Clark students set up for the expo.
Hundreds of interested parents and potential Clarkies arrived at Clark on Saturday, Jan. 20, for its annual Expo. The event lasted for two hours, giving just enough time for parents and future students a sneak peek of what Clark has to offer.
Members of the ASB class were stationed on top of the amphitheater to sell food and drinks for fundraising, while some swarmed the school to sell even more for their respective class or to cater to parents’ and students’ needs.
Teachers of the same courses stayed in one location to give a look of what the courses are like by displaying the textbooks used in the class or exhibiting student work, as well as answering questions regarding the classes that are offered.
The English department displayed the Senior Project presentation board and novels that are read in each grade. Meanwhile, the science department showed its array of finished experiments and even performed a lab experiment to some parents.
The Robotics class showcased their impressive student-made robots in several areas of the school and gave visitors a show of the robots’ uses and capabilities. Due to Clark’s emphasis on science and technology, it was not surprising that the Robotics team members gave a tour of the engineering lab to a huge group of parents and students.
“My sister is a senior here at Clark, and although she’s not part of Robotics, she tells me that it is a very rewarding team to be a part of,” said eighth grader Nishan Alexsanian. “I am looking forward to applying for the team if I get accepted into Clark because I have always been passionate about learning and building,”
Clubs lined the hallways, showcasing their projects and presenting their cause to visitors. Clubs such as Arabic, GSA, and Mediterranean sold candy boxes or chocolate bars to fundraise for their club. Meanwhile, Persian Club displayed paintings and figurines to educate visitors about their culture. Both Mock Trial Club and Bike Club discussed practice schedules and competitions for prospective team members.
One thing new to this year’s Expo was the Princeton Review sessions where parents and students learned about the difference between SAT and ACT, how to apply to college, financial aids, etc. The sessions also had presenters from the district’s CTE department to provide more assistance.
“We told people on campus and sent out emails and reminds to let people know,” said Assistant Principal Dr. Brian Landisi. “It was really successful. It was something different and fun.”

Interests/Hobbies: fashion, reading, fangirling, reading, doing artsy stuff, reading, reading, reading
Favorite year in music: 18th century-21st...