The first day of school becomes the first day of teaching at Clark for Natasha Krupnak.
Natasha Krupnak Joins Clark staff as new biology teacher
Natasha Krupnak, one of the new teachers on campus at Clark, currently teaches biology for sophomores. “She’s a very nice teacher and makes biology class fun,” said sophomore Anna Feddersen.
Krupnak’s adventure to becoming a teacher began when she graduated from Rancho Cucamonga High School. After that, she attended Cal State San Bernardino where she completed her bachelor’s degree in biology and later returned to complete her master’s in environmental science. That was when she realized she wanted to become a teacher.
“I’ve always kind of thought of becoming a teacher, but it wasn’t until after getting my master’s in environmental science that I really started to get focused on that type of thing,” Krupnak said. “I’ve always been interested in biology and the human body and seeing how things work.”
Outside of the classroom, she enjoys watching movies and hanging out with friends. She especially enjoys reading and watching the Harry Potter series. “I really love Harry Potter!” she laughed.
Many sophomores seem to welcome the new biology teacher and enjoy her fun, interesting lessons. “She’s my favorite part of biology class,” Feddersen said. “She’s very good at teaching and just makes the whole class better.”
When she realized teaching is her passion, Krupnak came back to San Bernardino again to become a biology teacher. This is her first teaching job and she feels very proud to be a part of Clark. “I love biology, and to me, Clark just seemed like a very good fit for me,” she said. “The engineering classes, the science classes are just really good, and the atmosphere here just seemed like a good fit.”