Frank Arevalo reluctantly says goodbye to Clark
Caption: Frank thanks ASB for his goodbye gift.
“I don’t want to leave Clark,” said security guard Frank Arevalo on Feb. 28, his last day on campus, as Clark students gave their goodbyes and final thank-yous to Arevalo. Once the news was revealed, it wasn’t clear to students as to why Arevalo was leaving in the first place.
Several Clark students thought that Arevalo was getting fired, yet this wasn’t the full story. “I thought that he was getting fired at first because of all the rumors going around, but it turns out that he didn’t get fired,” said junior Lousine Aslanyan.
According to Arevalo, the school was not firing him. Instead, he would be leaving the old company he previously worked for and would work for a new company. “The new company is sending me to Hoover,” Arevalo said. “They didn’t tell me how long I’m going to work there, but I hope they send me back to Clark.”
Arevalo will be replaced with a new security guard this past week. “Frank is the sweetest man at the school and the only person that I like at this school. I don’t understand why he has to leave,” said junior Angela Karadolian.
Assistant Principal Dr. Brian Landisi said that Arevalo being transferred was solely a District decision. “I can’t give you any information,” Landisi said. Though this was a District decision, Arevalo said that the school thought he was a little too soft with the students. “I thought I was doing my best, but I guess it wasn’t good enough,” Arevalo said.
In order to honor Arevalo’s work at Clark, ASB class students gave him a farewell gift during enrichment on his last day. Senior John Bandek handed Arevalo a Panther toy along with a card while being surrounded by many other ASB and Publications students.
Though Arevalo is no longer working at Clark, the students and staff still remember him for his work. “He made us feel so welcome at our school,” said junior Jaden Florita. “We’re all going to miss him.”

Interest/hobbies: Playing with my dog, watching Youtube videos, awkwardly dancing
Favorite year in music: 2007
Goals in life: To have a corgi and a wiener...

Hobbies/Interests: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, photography, makeup, watching baseball, music
Favorite Movie: Lilo & Stitch
Favorite Food: Tommy's hamburgers,...