Seniors take a trip to Catalina
(From left to right) Lina Petrossian, Marah Hasan, Alejandra Lopez, Raisa Faisal, Nareh Abramian, Arina Megerdichian, and Lauren Warshaw pose for a picture while they enjoy the view of the Californian horizon.
“I was riding my bike with my friends going downhill until I looked back and saw my friend, Hrach, hit a parked golf cart and fall off his bike,” said Aren Bedrousian. Bedrousian and his friends spent hours going around Catalina Island on bikes and felt tired afterwards but were excited by the experience they and 109 of their fellow seniors shared in the annual trip to Catalina Island held this year on Sept. 17.
The student attendees were told to meet at Clark at 7 a.m. to take the bus to Long Beach harbor. Their next destination would be to Avalon on Catalina Island, but this time with the long anticipated boat ride.
Along with the 109 students, there were five chaperones: Assistant Principal Dr. Landisi, math teacher Amir Ghavam, history teacher Eric Kursinski, English teacher Carol Pettegrew and photography teacher Gregory Zamlich. This event was organized by ASB and each ticket included free tokens for arcade games along with a game of minigolf.
As the boat landed, many students were eager to start their adventures on the island with some engaging in activities such as bike riding or others eating food at places like the Avalon Grille. “This was the third place we saw and decided to eat here,” said Ani Petrosyan. “I ordered the chicken bacon burger and it was really good,” added Petrosyan.
However, there were many who engaged not only on-land activities but also partook in activities such as kayaking and parasailing. “It was the first time that my friends and I were going kayaking, so we were all very excited but a little anxious at the same time,” said Nareh Abramian. Abramian and her friends were able to parallel park the kayaks next to each other and take many pictures.
“Honestly I was really scared that the kayak would capsize and we would all get wet,” said Abramian’s friend, Raisa Faisal. Fortunately, their kayak didn’t turnover and they were able to safely return after a good time on the kayak. “Kayaking was a lot easier than expected which was nice,” Abramian said.
Some students also went parasailing and were excited to share their experience. “When we were being pulled in to land on the boat, I was so bummed out and wanted to go again,” said Rania Mamo. “The only scary thing is how quiet it is when you get up there, the ocean waves can’t be heard either,” Mamo said.
Most students who parasailed thought it was very peaceful in the air with a nice view. “I was taken back with the feeling of being above seemingly the whole world,” said Sam Witt. It was his second time parasailing, so instead of feeling scared, he only felt excitement about the experience.
The students had to return to the dock no later than 4:45 p.m. so they could head back to Long Beach on the boat. “I had so much fun at Catalina,” said Arina Megerdichian. “I just wish we were able to stay there a little longer.”

Hobbies/Interests: watching Netflix and Youtube
Favorite Movie: Prison Break
Favorite Food: french fries
Plans for the future: to be successful

Hobbies/Interests: photography, scrapbooking, traveling
Favorite Movie: Maleficent
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Plans for the future: living a good life...