Clark continues barbecue tradition
Dr. Brian Landisi and English teacher Conrad Pruitt barbecuing burger patties
With fundraisers held by ASB and additional aid from the PTSA, the senior class bonded through the annual Clark barbecue tradition on Sept. 16. The class enjoyed burgers prepared by Dr. Brian Landisi and English teacher Conrad Pruitt with the choice of tomatoes and lettuce as toppings. Watermelon, sodas and lemonade were also available.
Many of the students took the opportunity to socialize with friends. Some even bought a Narde board, a two-player, dice-based board game. The barbecue received many positive responses from students. “It’s nice to know that teachers appreciate us enough to host a barbecue,” said Areg Jangozian. “I’m happy to be able to spend a longer time eating and hanging out with my friends.”
According to ASB Senior President Marah Hasan, it took two weeks of planning to coordinate the event. “It was organized by the senior officers. The PTSA purchased lettuce and tomatoes,” Hasan said.
“It was very fun,” Landisi said. “At Clark we want to honor as many classes as possible. We start with the pancake breakfast for incoming freshmen and end with a barbecue celebration. This isn’t just about the food, this is more about the community and it’s a big piece of the Clark history.”