Freshmen take over the amphitheatre for elections
Students receive ballots to vote for the freshmen class candidates.
More than 300 freshmen were welcomed at the amphitheater as they sat under the hot sun to hear their class office speeches on Sept. 6. This year, five students were running for freshmen officers: two candidates for president, one for vice-president, one for secretary and one for treasurer.
“It was great to see the enthusiasm from the crowd when I said good afternoon class of 2020,” said the ASB vice-president John Bandek. “All the freshmen were so excited to vote, it reminded me of when I was a freshman voting for freshmen officers.”
The amphitheater buzzed with more of an excitement rather than an intense feeling of competition with the freshmen showing their support to their fellow officers through their warm welcome.
This year, the two candidates running for the presidency position were Yeprem Muradyan and Alexa DeCarlo. DeCarlo was the first to deliver her speech followed by Yeprem Muradyan and the rest of the candidates for each position.
“This election made us feel more involved at school and some of the speeches were actually really funny and creative,” said freshman Mary Markaryan. Many candidates received lots of cheers and applause from their fellow classmates.
“This whole event was very successful and I am eager to work with the new ASB officers,” Bandek said. The election results are now released on Clark Magnet High School’s official website.

Hobbies/Interests: watching Netflix and Youtube
Favorite Movie: Prison Break
Favorite Food: french fries
Plans for the future: to be successful

Hobbies/Interests: photography, scrapbooking, traveling
Favorite Movie: Maleficent
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Plans for the future: living a good life...