Students enjoy Senior Awards Night and the cookies

Nicole Svare

Seniors stand proudly on the stage as they pose with their well-deserved awards.

“The cookies were by far the best part of the evening,” said senior Dustin Hunt. “The awards were nice, but the cookies. . . ”

On May 18, Clark held its annual Senior Awards Ceremony to acknowledge soon-to-be leaving seniors of their accomplishments.

“It’s nice to receive a tangible reward,” said senior Timothy Cruz, “to motivate seniors to keep up the good work.” He said that standing up on stage with everyone else who won an award was a pleasant feeling. Awards of perfect attendance, outstanding achievement in academics and many scholarships were given to seniors.

“I, along with many other students, got the Gene Haas Scholarship for our work in Clark’s engineering program,” Hunt said. He said that the foundation donate money to the schools that offer engineering programs for these scholarships. Shay Sackett was awarded $2,250 by teacher David Black during the ceremony. Hunt also took home four boxes of cookies to help him remember the evening.

“The prom slideshow was a nice touch to the ceremony,” said Mayumi Lometillo. “Everyone took pictures too with the school preserving not only that day but the entire four years we’ve spent here.”

In addition to the slideshow and the awards were staff speeches. “Mr. Dall also gave a nice speech,” said Nicole Svare, “which reminded us that he was technically leaving the school along with us.”