Student candidates prepare for the upcoming elections
Posters, promises and presidents
Karroum’s emulation of Time Magazine.
Before Glendale residents vote on June 7, Clark students will have the significant honor of voting for their own class and ASB officers on April 14.
Junior Lina Petrossian, current ASB director of clubs, said that she was not feeling nervous about her run for ASB president. “I want to run because I want to bring change to the school, more specifically, I want to improve school spirit,” Petrossian said. After one full year in ASB, Petrossian thought that the best option for her would be to run for ASB president.
Petrossian’s only opponent is the current director of technology, junior Anthony Karroum. “Karroum is an amazing candidate and a good choice,” Petrossian said, “but I believe that I can better represent my peers.”
After seeing how close students at other schools like Glendale High School (GHS) are, Karroum decided to make it his main goal to bring that sort of unification to Clark. “Schools like GHS have rallies which makes all the students closer to each other, and you don’t see that at Clark so I want to change that,” Karroum said.
Uniting the 2017 senior class is not Karroum’s only goal. He also wants to be more involved with classes and to improve past events. Karroum decided to run at the beginning of the last school year during his first year in ASB. “Before ASB, I never thought I would run for anything like this,” Karroum said.
Whoever wins the ASB presidency will be working with vice presidential candidate, junior John Bandek. Bandek, who wanted to run for president but could not due to the requirement of being an ASB officer for at least one year, is going to be putting most of his efforts into making PAC more fun for future freshmen. “The vice president of ASB is mainly in charge of PAC and as a current PAC leader, I see that many freshmen don’t enjoy it as much as the should,” Bandek said. “By running for VP, I will be putting all of my efforts into making PAC more fun and welcoming for freshmen.”
With talk of PAC, rallies and school spirit, the main event left for change is the senior prom, which is what is the main concern of potential senior class president, Marah Hassan. Hassan has been a part of ASB for the last two years and believes that she has gained enough experience to have the last say in what is going to make next year memorable for her class: prom, specifically, the food and venue. “I also have been class secretary for the last year,” Hassan said. “I wanted to run for president to be responsible for my class.”
The ASB and class officer candidates have been putting up large and plentiful posters around campus to help further their agendas.

Bandek’s large poster.
Petrossian has been putting up campaign posters on campus that depict a picture of a baby with his fist in the air captioned “vote for Lina” as well as signs near water fountains that say “free drinks,” courtesy of Petrossian. “The water fountain sign is just a funny flier I put above fountains to give people a good laugh,” Petrossian said. “I wanted the fliers to get people’s attention.”
Bandek’s posters have also caught the eye of students due to its large size and catchy slogan that says “Don’t be hesitant, vote John for Vice President. “They’re big because I used the sizes that ASB requires,” Bandek said.
As for Karroum, he chose to emulate Time Magazine covers after looking for design ideas online and deciding that that would be most memorable. “I’m typically very competitive and have had a lot of graphics design experience,” Karroum said. “SInce I had access to printers, computers and everything that I needed at Clark, I was able to use all of my resources and create something to the best of my abilities. I put the same thought and effort in everything, so that carries onto the posters.”