KATS crush cigarettes in the Glendale community
Melissa Diaz-Mancio assists a student in designing their anti-tobacco PSA.
KATS (Kids Against Tobacco Smoking) went to Roosevelt Middle School Feb. 10 to hold another workshop for Project ABCD. Project ABCD is being carried out to other schools in the district, including Rosemont, Toll, and Wilson. For this project, students were put into separate groups and were assigned separate topics such as the physical effects of smoking, the effects of hookah and the ingredients in tobacco.
The day started off with a team-building activity, and then students transitioned into their work stations. Each team included graphic designers who would work on drawing the keychain and button designs, and design a display board based on their assigned topic.
In addition, each team created a PowerPoint presentation appropriate for middle and elementary school students. The final part of the project required a public service announcement film production that would include the team’s drawings.
Junior Ryan Ellinwood, who is president of KATS Cub, said that the purpose of Project ABCD is to inform the public about the dangers of tobacco use. “Our hopes for this workshop is to help students make their PSA’s to spread awareness about the dangers of smoking tobacco.”
Freshman Hamlet Avetisyan, who is a first-year KATS member, said that the workshops help kids be more aware of the effects of smoking. He said that he hopes students will take heed to the message.
Freshman Melissa Diaz-Mancio, another first-year KATS member, said that kids are becoming more curious about smoking and are more vulnerable to its effects. “I have a lot of hope for the efforts KATS is making,” she said. “Future generations will be more exposed to harmful effects in smoking, and we need to let them know how bad it can be.”

Hobbies/Interests: photography, scrapbooking, traveling
Favorite Movie: Maleficent
Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Plans for the future: living a good life...