Senior barbecue creates memories for soon-to-be graduates
Gennine Lagman, Patrick Castro, Aria Maducdoc, Natalie Isayan enjoying the senior barbecue.
Over 300 burgers, two five-gallon coolers of lemonade and six dozen cookies were prepared by the ASB members on Sept. 19 for the senior barbecue. They had some help from the PTSA staff, but overall it was their responsibility to figure out how much food and drinks were needed. ASB President Timothy Cruz said that they had some ASB members go to a couple stores and buy the food and drinks, which was time consuming. He also said that the most challenging part was to spend the money they had raised for their class efficiently.
Many of the seniors said that they were very thankful for the ability to enjoy a special barbecue put together by the ASB class members. Most of the ASB student leaders agreed that they were put under a lot of pressure, but it was worth the trouble because they got to see their classmates enjoy a bright and sunny afternoon with their friends.
“It took about a month to plan and prepare this event, but it wasn’t very difficult because we spread the work out evenly,” said ASB president Mateen Hassan. It took a lot of effort to make it happen, but many of the seniors had a great time, according to Cruz.
The energetic music was enough to get everyone on their feet to start singing and dancing. Senior William Hunter took on the spotlight when he started to break some moves and keep up with the vibrant beat, which created a crowd around him.
Many students were talking about how great the barbecue was even after it was over. “I love how we are able to enjoy our senior experience with our classmates,” said senior Adelina Sefiani. “I think it was absolutely perfect and they should create events like this more often.”

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE ME ARE: Athletic, kind-hearted, passionate.

Hobbies/Interests: watching Netflix and Youtube
Favorite Movie: Prison Break
Favorite Food: french fries
Plans for the future: to be successful