The Boy Band Project comes to Clark Magnet
photo taken by Dianna Khudoyan
The Boy Band Project preformed during lunch on Nov. 12. The lead singer, Chance Perez is serenading Elina Pascual, a freshman. The boys sang covers, and some of their own songs as well.
On Nov. 12, as students were coming out of their fourth period class, they were greeted by The Boy Band Project, a musical group of five boys from Los Angeles. During lunch The Boy Band Project performed covers and some of their own songs. Girls surrounded them instantly, and the screams never stopped.
The Boy Band Project is and up and coming back, so they are touring high schools to put themselves out there. They emailed Clark Magnet’s ASB offering to perform, so they invited them over. The boys recently performed at Glendale High School as well.
Students didn’t know the boys were going to perform at lunch. “It was a nice surprise, and it made lunch fun,” said sophomore Raisa Faisal.
The first song they covered was “Steal Your Girl” by One Direction, and the crowd went wild as they heard Chance Perez, the lead singer, preform. Along with “Steal Your Girl,” they sang “Rude” and “Never Stop Loving You.”
“I really like the song ‘Rude,’ so I liked their cover of it,” said junior Jada Javier. “They did a really nice job.”
They had audience interaction throughout their entire set. They passed out their band shirts, and they even serenaded a girl on stage. Freshman Alina Pascual was brought up and they sang the song “Where I Am” to her; she was sobbing by the end of it.
The boys shared photos on Twitter of the pictures taken with students. They continue to tour high schools and build their fan base.

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