Students have fun at Clarktoberfest
A group friends have fun and use props to brighten up their group picture.
The yearly Clarktoberfest held Oct. 23 once again filled the field with laughter and happiness as students got to skip seventh period to laugh and talk with their friends. Freshman Melanie Mesropian said, “I had a lot of fun at Clarktoberfest, especially since it’s my first year here!”
This year was the first year that the Publications class funded a photo booth, where students could dress up and put on silly poses with their friends. The photo booth attracted many students, to the point that students were still in line for the photo booth even as Clarktoberfest was coming to an end.
Another new addition to Clarktoberfest were the new prizes that ASB advisor Elaine Snodgress and Assistant Principal Maurice James were able to obtain and reward the students for winning games. The new prizes consisted of panther-style sunglasses, bandanas and Clark Magnet High School pennants.

Students enjoy an In-N-Out meal consisting of a burger, a bag of chips and a drink.
Once again, $5 In-N-Out tickets were sold weeks before Clarktoberfest so that on the actual day, students were able to enjoy burgers, chips and drinks. Besides In-N-Out, this year classes also sold a variety of snacks. The juniors and seniors sold Pinkberry and Krispy Kreme donuts, selling out both before seventh period ended.
“I enjoyed Clarktoberfest, and it was a great experience since it is the first school-sponsored event I have attended,” said freshman Emil Onanian. “It was great to hang out with my friends, play the games, and as an ASB member our fundraiser did very well and we sold out.”

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Reading, watching Korean dramas, and origami
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Secretary of GMG for Clark division.