Clarkies help defeat the weed
Environmental GIS is collaborating with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department in analyzing potential marijuana plots. Senior Jennifer Chavando is picking up from last year’s project along with other GIS students to increase awareness of the harmful effects of illegal marijuana.
“California is one of the best places for marijuana to be grown because it provides the perfect amount of sunlight, nutrients and land which is why a lot of drug cartels grow marijuana here,” said Chavando. The drug cartels use many chemicals on the plants to help them grow, but the chemicals are having a negative effect on the surrounding wildlife.
Since this became a worldwide issue, Chavando and other students chose this topic for their project. Alvin Dela Paz, another senior working on this project, said that the sheriff’s department sent them coordinates, and they are using a program called Hazus to create imagery of Ventura County’s watersheds. With this information, they are able to average the distances of growth sites from watersheds.
Clark is home to three GIS courses: Marine Science Research, Geology of Disasters, and Environmental GIS. GIS is a mapping and data software that allows users to investigate, analyze and interpret data. Clark students use their skills to help many organizations with the data they acquire.
Environmental GIS is currently trying to find a school to organize an assembly that educates students on the harmful effects of illegal marijuana. Students will be presenting a story map of the Ojai Trail to provide analysis of the issue during the GIS day event, taking place at the Department of Public Works on Nov. 20.
They have created their own YouTube page.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Taking photos, editing photos and crying and swimming and sleeping and playing with my dog