Among Us helps Maintain friendships during quarantine

The Among Us game brings new friendships through lives and saving people in quarantine.
As the days get longer during quarantine, people are finding it difficult to look for new things to do to pass time while being stuck at home. Luckily the game industry has many video games to keep us entertained, the most recent and popular one being Among Us.
Among Us helps friends stay in touch. It causes friends to call frequently and communicate while playing. If you are into crime solving and interrogating people, this game will make you feel like an investigator. If not, this game can also bring a lot of silliness and funny debates throughout the conversations.
Among Us is a video game innovated by Inner Sloth that was released June 15, 2018 but only achieved its popularity recently. Among Us is a game of lying, trust and persuasive speaking. The game is available on PC and mobile platforms. Being free on mobile apps, many people have access to it causing the popularity to increase.
When starting the game, you play with a group of people, either friends or strangers. You could create your own private game using a code or play in a public game. You can customize your own characters, making them fun and unique.
When playing the game there are crewmates who must complete mini games, or “tasks,” around the map. However, there can be one to three imposters depending on the number of players. The imposter’s goal is to kill players and sabotage machinery in order to win the game. If a crewmate reports a dead body or calls an emergency meeting, everyone must investigate and vote who they think the liar is. The imposter must cover up and persuade others that they are innocent. If the imposter kills enough people without getting caught, they win the game. If the crewmates finish all their tasks or identify the killer, the crewmate wins the game.
Glendale High School sophomores Stella Jett Todd and Karissa Mirandahave been playing Among Us for a while. “It makes me realize that my friends are a lot smarter than I thought they were,” Todd said. “It definitely connected us,” Stella said.
“Among Us is just a perfect multiplayer game that you could play with your friends, that involves a lot of communication between everybody,” Miranda said.“I felt like I got to know my friends better though all of the lying and the loyalty I have made with them while playing.”
Clark Magnet High School sophomore Lauren Chang, who has also played the game, says that Among Us did get popular in 2020. “Since we are all in quarantine and not everyone can go out, many people depend on the internet to pass time,” Chang said, “because I am always indoors and have a lot of time to pass. Among Us has been a way for me to do something while I am bored.”
Clark Magnet sophomore Francine Batungbacal said that watching her favorite streamers play Among Us has gotten her interested in playing as well. “2018 was when other games were popular like Minecraft because Among Us wasn’t well known. However, now there are a couple popular streamers who have been playing this game since it is now commonly known,” Batungbacal said.“And when I see them play this game I was really interested since I was finding ways to help pass time.”

Hobbies/interests: Drawing and playing volleyball
Fav artists: Ateez, BTS, and Mamamoo
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