A quick stop to Restore cafe
Small, unassuming coffee shop is perfect for a fast coffee break
Almost hidden in plain view if not for the patio umbrellas and seating right under its small window, Restore cafe shares an entrance with the next-door vintage clothing store. Inside, the decor is rather unassuming, low lighting coming mostly from the single window and glass door barely illuminating the tables, counter stockpiled with homemade and pre packaged baked goods, all with handwritten chalkboard labels. A large chalkboard above the kitchen entrance boasts the drinks available to customers, and the Argentinian empanadas the locale is locally known for.
I ordered my usual: an iced coffee (black, no sugar), then decided to try one of their vegan, gluten-free brownies. I paid, waited less than a minute to get my coffee, then decided against staying inside in the awkward presence of the barista.
Cafes are plenty, and for the most part their specialty drinks are good, but the true test was in my hands — a decent coffee has no need for sugar or creamer to mask bitterness with. The vegan brownie was more of an experiment, as brownies are traditionally laden with butter, and I had never tasted a vegan brownie before. I braced myself for the bitterness of that first sip of coffee, and was pleasantly surprised to find it not bitter at all, and instead refreshing. A bite of brownie likewise exceeded my expectations, the chewy, rich flavor melting in my mouth. It was gone far too soon however, especially considering the price.
My coffee outlasted the brownie by several minutes as I sat under the blue umbrella and watched the cars pull into the post office across the street. As I sat, no one else passed into the cafe. Maybe it’s just a matter of the entrance being easily confused with the clothing store (to clarify, passing through the door and making a right takes you to the store itself), or the nonexistent lighting that confuses people into thinking the cafe is closed. I know it is what kept me from staying inside to enjoy my beverage. Restore cafe is still an excellent locally-owned business to visit for fast service and a quick, cheap, pick-me-up on the way home.
Address: 3405 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Monday – Saturday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Phone: (323) 788-3029

Interest/Hobbies: My cat
Favorite year in music : 2004
Goals in life: To one day lie in a ditch somewhere of a highway in rural Nebraska in...