The ‘Point Break’ remake brings nothing fresh to the table
Bodhi’s gang of hooligans soar the skies.
Unnecessary remakes seem to be one of the biggest crazes in the world of cinema as of late. From last year’s Poltergeist to this summer’s Ghostbusters, these remakes exhibit the lack of originality that has consumed Hollywood over the past few years. Films should only be remade when things didn’t go so well the first time around, when the film has plenty of room for improvement, such as 2012’s terrific sci-fi flick Dredd. This was not the case with the ridiculous ’90s action movie Point Break, a film that, while not perfect by any means, is a great deal of fun. There was really no need for a remake, but nevertheless, Warner Bros. has churned one out and it unfortunately fails in almost every way one would expect.
Stepping into the shoes of Keanu Reeve’s classic character Johnny Utah is Luke Bracey and at his side is Edgar Ramirez as the spiritual surfer guru Bodhi, previously played by Patrick Swayze. The film stays pretty faithful to the original in terms of its story, which is about a young FBI agent, Utah, who must infiltrate a group of adrenaline-fueled bank robbers who live life to the extreme in search of spiritual enlightenment. The only major difference is that as opposed to the group mainly focusing on surfing the way they did in the original, this group will do just about any sort of daring act from snowboarding, wingsuit-flying and mountain climbing.
The first film is incredibly cheesy but also self-aware, allowing itself to have fun with the craziness at hand. This one is just far too self-serious and never really embraces its madness, never really finding a proper balance between its dark, dramatic edge and its insane action.
If there’s one thing that is impressive here it’s the moments of stuntwork on display, which are quite exciting at times. Though some of the more massive sequences aren’t fully organic, most of the action is practical and the only part of the film that keep it watchable. But in between that action is a hodgepodge of terrible performances, lousy dialogue and a thin story.
None of the characters has any sort of depth either and are largely one-dimensional, often expressing the same mundane emotion from scene to scene. The dialogue is also unbearably dull, consisting almost only of inspirational poster quotes or generic action movie jargon. As a matter of fact, this doesn’t even feel like a film as much as it does a series of extreme sports set pieces with an excuse for a plot that attempts to somewhat tie it all together.
Every now and then, there’s a cool action scene that makes the film enjoyable on some level, but once the engines stop revving and the mouths start talking, things turn south very quickly and the film becomes absurdly uninteresting. Anyone who has any sort of intrigue in this will be better off just revisiting the original and ignoring this shameful remake.

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Inter-dimensional travel.