The newest adaptation of David Nicholls’s novel One Day debuted on Netflix on February 8, 2024. Going from a novel, to a movie, and finally into a television show, it follows the story of two friends, Emma Morley, played by the British actress Ambika Mod, and Dexter Mayhew, played by the English actor Leo Woodall.
This uprise in popularity following the show has led the actors to gain a larger fanbase. Some may recognize Woodall as Jack in the HBO Max show The White Lotus, and Mod from This is Going to Hurt. Nevertheless, both actors perfectly played their characters and portrayed their true emotions throughout the show.
While the show did do great because of its original fanbase who were already familiar with the story, it has gained more publicity from social media platforms like TikTok. With many viewers posting their reactions to the show and speaking about the emotional rollercoaster they experience, more people started to consider giving the show a chance. This ultimately brought more viewers to Netflix and increased the amount of people talking about this show.
As Dexter and Emma weave through each other’s lives from the moment they meet at their university graduation party, the audience sees how their different backgrounds affect their views of life. Dexter was born into money and has always been surrounded by the good aspects of life, never having to experience the struggles that others in the working class do. This influenced him not to strive to make something of himself since he knew that he could always go back home to the safety of his parents and their money.
Meanwhile, Emma was born into the middle class, which made her more ambitious to make something of herself so she could begin living with more comfort in her life. She knew she had to provide for herself since her parents did not have enough to support her and her education.
This contrast between the characters is what leads them to have such a complicated relationship over the years. Since Dexter cared more about being a playboy and just enjoying all of life’s pleasures, he never truly thought about what his future could be like. On the other hand, Emma has been a motivated girl who strived to reach her goals and someday become a successful author. Their differences in how they should lead their lives cause the two to argue and eventually decide to take a break from each other.
In time, as they get to experience what it’s like in the real world, they learn to appreciate each other’s differences and start to grow closer. A big part of their friendship includes the day that they met, July 15, St. Swithin’s Day, which is one of the main symbols in the show. Each time that they hang out, it’s always on July 15 as a way to commemorate their friendship’s anniversary. The significance of this day is that the weather will be the same for the next 40 days.
This series brings to life a timeless story about self-discovery and a friendship that continues to bloom through any challenges that are brought on. With the date of St. Swithin’s Day following them along as the story unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the amount of strength that is intertwined with their relationship.
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