Pantera: Clark Magnet HS Yearbook 2013-2014

The Clark Magnet High School yearbook, the Pantera, is produced by the Publications Class at Clark. The book was first produced in 1999 as a record of the school’s opening year as a high school and has continued to be produced each year since then. The 2014 yearbook can be pre-ordered now through early May. Please bring a check (no cash) to room 1329 at snack only. Current prices are $65 w/ ASB card and $70 w/out ASB card. Your name can be inscribed on the book for an additional $5.

The yearbook is a record of the student body life during the school year as captured by the students themselves. The book is entirely student-conceived and produced. All students and staff members are encouraged to submit stories and photos from the school year, though the staff does not guarantee that all photos and stories will appear in the book. The book is sold throughout the school year and is distributed a week or two before school ends. Click here to find out more about how to pre-order the yearbook.